Downrigger & Flatline Kokanee & Trout Rod | Ultra-Light Tip, Strong Backbone
Fiberglass down-rigger and trolling rods are a successful option for consistent performance on the water. In the Kokanee & Trout trolling world, ultra-light trolling rods are used because they are able to keep thrashing fish pinned, load into the downrigger easily, and react to takedowns very well.
Ultra-Light Tip, Strong Backbone | CG 80 GH
8' 2-Piece | Line 6 – 10 lb | Lure – 1/4 – 1/2 oz
Fiberglass Blank, Graphite Handle
The CG80GH is a unique trolling/downrigger rod in that it has a very dynamic range of power throughout it. The tip section is highly playable, very reminiscent of other ultra-light kokanee & trout trolling rods. As the rod bends into the backbone, it gains power quickly. This gives bites and takedowns enough tip play to allow a fish to fight and thrash without throwing hooks, at the same time the backbone can provide additional leverage back, to drive a hook into a fishes mouth.
The added benefit of this backbone is this: many troll anglers are concerned with "spreading" their gear out. Having shorter rods out the back and a longer rod out of the sides of the boat is common.
Many of the "soft" rods on the market today tend to bend back towards the boat when they load up. The backbone in this model keeps the tip farther out to the side, allowing baits to spread out, yet the tip is not stiff.
Downrigger Excellence
In the downrigger, fiberglass rules. This model has a distinct advantage for trolling for light-biters and soft-mouthed fish. In the downrigger, it can be harder to 'see' bites than while flatlining. The tip action very easily reads light or heavy bites, and when you go to pull the rod out of the downrigger, the added backbone will accomplish that quickly.
This is especially useful for kokanee, lake trout and other trout species.
Graphite Handle & Fiberglass Blank
The graphite handle is a very durable, modern & efficient handle option. This is popular due to consistent grip, with easy in-and-out of rod the rod holder. If you tend to fish with bait, scents or dyes, this graphite handle is easy to clean.
The 'Classic Glass' styled fiberglass blank is a classic look that contrasts very nicely against the black graphite handle and reel seat.
Feeder Fish to Trophies
The many abilities of the CG80GH make it an attractive option for kokanee and trout anglers. With the varieties of sizes in many lakes and rivers, this can be the rod to handle them all.
Whether you are flatlining dodgers and spinners, or running the downrigger with a bait rig, the CG80GH should certainly be considered.
Classic Glass | CG80GH