SI Series - The Ultimate Steelhead Rod

SI Series - The Ultimate Steelhead Rod

The obsession with steelhead is tangible. Why is that? The fight? The beauty of the fish? The techniques themselves?

It's hard to pin down on one factor completely. Either way, ask any angler who has got to tangle with a prime steelhead and you'll see a sparkle in their eye.

Naturally, the tools we use have a special connection to the task at hand.

This is where my fascination with the Lamiglas SI has grown.\

Steelhead fishing isn't automatic - unless you're blessed with an absolutely epic fishery. Where I live, it can be a difficult task. I can expect to fish anywhere from 5-30 holes before finding a fish ready to party. That means a lot of casts.

If you're going to make those casts, whether it be with spoons, drift gear, floats, spinners or plugs...each one will be in your muscle memory, in your your bones.

Let's face it - fighting a fish on a piece of PVC pipe would be fun. The casts in between however?

si bass coho fishing

Don't tell the bass guys who use it for Senkos & Jigs...but the SI703S is the most amazing coho twitching jig rod I've ever fished!

The SI series makes those casts in between exceedingly enjoyable. Not to mention the technological advantage. CRAZY sensitive. can feel your weight ticking bottom while bobber-doggin with a float. You can feel the tick of drift gear. You can feel the grab on the backbounce.

The lightweight casts, the surgical sensitivity of the much enjoyment out of just the fishing part. Once hooked up? Yes, the fight is amazing. You can put the wood to a fish without feeling like you've got a broomstick...but you can also pick up the subtle bite of a hunkered down steelhead.

Graphite blanks that translate to graphic bites. Lightweight components that look amazing. Hammer-down backbone for wrenching big fish. Balanced weight for all-day fishing.

The SI Series is a sight to behold. Make no mistake.

SI98MS si fishing bobberdogging

Brandon Glass put us on a grip (10+ steelhead) fishing the SI98MS with bobber-dogging rigs. That day I became a believer in fishing that rod with bobber-doggin' gear.

The only thing fishing one.

View the SI Series

- written by Outdoor Writer Lucas Holmgren

 Watch my video fishing for summers with the SI98MS!


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