New Lamiglas Salmon & Steelhead X-Factor Blank Options
Custom builders and avid anglers know the time-tested issue of needing "just one more rod" to complete your fishing setup. Especially in that salmon & steelhead arena.
There are so many excellent techniques to fish for salmon and steelhead with, different water conditions to contend with...times of year, size of weights - tip action requirements...
You can't sacrifice in the action of the rod for actually presenting the bait/lure. You've gotta have something that makes fishing and catching fish enjoyable. It's got to be balanced.
Lamiglas knows this.
Since 1949, Lamiglas has built and designed some of the finest blanks the world has ever known. From finely polished graphite to honey glass...they are known for technique-specific ability.
The X-Factor series of blanks brings that old-school excellence to the table with blank options for a multitude of uses. In this specific case, we're talking salmon & steelhead.
The X-Factor Salmon & Steelhead blanks are split into two categories. One is gloss black, the other is gloss graphite. The gloss graphite blanks typically have slightly more sensitivity, and the gloss black models more durability. Both are excellent options to build drift rods, float rods, trolling, plug-fishing, spinner-fishing...the capabilities are all there.
Each of the models are 2-piece and excellent for a number of techniques. Below are a few highlighted models:
HS1122M - 9'4 8-12lb Gloss Black
This is a Salmon & Steelhead workhorse! This rod as a spinning or casting rod works very well for casting spinners, floats, drift gear, and even plugs. It's got excellent backbone for steelhead or smaller salmon. If you want to step it up and increase your backbone but stay in similar technique styles, go to the HS1122MH or the HS1122H.
HS1262M - 10'6 6-12lb Gloss Black
Steelhead Float Fishing Blank At 10'6", this steelhead float fishing blank matches perfectly with spinning, casting or centerpin styles to fish jigs, beads, bait and other methods for steelhead. Moderate fast action for quick hooksets and keeping fish pinned.
LX1082MH - 9'0 10-20lb Gloss Graphite
Salmon & Steelhead Multi-Use Blank 9'0" blank works equally well for bigger steelhead and salmon. Can be built into spinning or casting and used for drift fishing, float fishing, trolling and plugging. Excellent in-between rod for many things and can handle bigger fish.
Take a look at all the models in the X-Factor series!